Kerrick Mobile HP Rural Fire Suppression Unit


Kerrick has serviced New Zealand's rural community for over 77 years and understands how complications such as fires need to be dealt with quickly and efficiently even when resources and access are limited.

Our solution to this problem is the Mobile HP Fire Suppression Unit, a mobile unit designed specifically to fit onto the back of utes, ATVs and trailers. When it comes to fighting fires you want nothing but the best, which is why we've coupled a world renowned CAT pump to a Honda motor with a foam induction system.

The special foam nozzle breaks water droplets down to under 5% of low pressure system droplets. This feature coupled with the fire retardant chemical foam results in increased surface area coverage and the suppression of flames using 60% less water than standard fire fighting units.

The operator has full control of the Duel-Strike Foam Nozzle and is able to select between a straight stream and fog stream with just a flick of the wrist. The straight stream provides a penetrating stream with a fine mist, whilst the fog stream provides excellent foam expansion for maximum coverage.

Fire fighting


View demonstrations of the unit at the Mystery Creek Fieldays.



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